Monday, February 16, 2015

2014 Ohio Renaissance Festival - OOPS! Knife Throwing Show

While at the 2014 Ohio Renaissance Festival, my sister and I recorded the "OOPS! Knife Throwing Show". It was absolutely hilarious and there is a moment about 12 minutes into the video that cannot be missed.

2015 Ohio Renaissance Festival will be held:

September 5th - October 25th, 2015
You can visit there website here.

WWSU Radio "Talk" - Princess Busters PSA reaction

     The guy featured in this video is one of the guests on WWSU's Talk named "Rant". On his own radio show, he plays a fictional 4-year-old character named Princess. Problem is he plays her in a dirty and perverted way.
     So the rest of us on Talk decided to make a special PSA without his knowledge basically making fun of his character. And we finally aired it on December 5 with him in the studio. BronyCritic recorded his reactions as seen in this video. Enjoy!