Welcome to the Phoenix 8 Production Headquarters. Phoenix 8 Productions is all about giving you reviews, skits, and sketches that praise and critique the modern entertainment industry. We call out the bad and praise the unique. We are all about entertainment reborn.
While at the 2014 Ohio Renaissance Festival, my sister and I recorded the "OOPS! Knife Throwing Show". It was absolutely hilarious and there is a moment about 12 minutes into the video that cannot be missed. 2015 Ohio Renaissance Festival will be held:
September 5th - October 25th, 2015 You can visit there website here.
The guy featured in this video is one of the guests on WWSU's Talk named "Rant". On his own radio show, he plays a fictional 4-year-old character named Princess. Problem is he plays her in a dirty and perverted way. So the rest of us on Talk decided to make a special PSA without his knowledge basically making fun of his character. And we finally aired it on December 5 with him in the studio. BronyCritic recorded his reactions as seen in this video. Enjoy!